Monday, July 18, 2011

Positive Vibes

Today has been a good day. On our way to visit the Home & Gift Show, we popped in to the Habitat sale and spent a happy half hour looking at random household items that we have no need for whatsoever, and I am now the proud owner of this...

BAKED Flour sifter

I've wanted a flour sifter for ages (don't ask me why, as I rarely bake anything). I know we're supposed to be saving, but every new home needs a flour sifter, right? We were restrained though, we had our eye on these too, but managed to resist...

ANIMAL HOUSE Cheese grater

DELIA Kitchen scale

...although if I'm honest, it was only really my eye that was on the pink scales, The Husband wasn't so keen on those for some reason - I can't imagine why not?!

After filling our boots with random kitchen gadgets, we went on down to the Home & Gift. I love going to the trade shows, I find them really inspiring and always come away bursting with enthusiasm, plans and ideas (I can sense a new "to do" list coming on). Watch this space...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Best Laid Plans...

So, one of the things I had intended to blog about was my wedding preparations, and all the things I was making and planning and how it was all going and all of that....well, it turns out that time ran away with me once again. I'm slightly shocked to realise today that I've been married for a whole month already.

Several times I thought about blogging about things I was doing, and how the plans were progressing, but it just never quite got as far as me actually sitting down and writing anything. This seems to be a recurring theme with me. I think I over-think things, not just about writing, but in general about doing anything. I think things over and over in my head or, as I found with the wedding planning, I research something almost to the point of ridiculousness, because can't stop trying to think of ways to make something either turn out better, or be cheaper, or both. I find it really hard not to leave doing anything until the last possible moment, but in the most part it's not due to laziness, I think that actually I'm just secretly terrified of having something turn out not quite the way I'd imagined it. The thing is though, that all these good intentions have only really led to things just not happening at all. I will think about something for so long, that by the time I feel that I've got it all worked out and I'm ready to go, I find that it's too late and the moment has passed.

I think the time has come for me to give myself a metaphorical kick up the bum. I have a "to do" list as long as both my arms and I'm determined to get some things crossed off. I thought I'd also try to write here once a day, for maybe a month or so to try and help keep myself on track.

There, I've said it, it's in black and white...there's no backing out now!