Sunday, July 01, 2012

Catching Up...

So yeah, it's been a while. It's funny how I don't feel like I lead an especially busy life, yet still I never seem to have enough time to keep up with anything, including blogging. So maybe I'll just go with a few pictorial highlights of things that have been making me smile so far this year....

...but far, far and away the thing that's made me smile the most is this little beauty...

I still can't quite get my head around the fact that in only 3 short months we will be a family. It's crazy and surreal, and kinda scary, but right now I really couldn't be happier. Ok, well maybe I'd be happier if the decorating was finished and the new bathroom fitted, and the nursery was ready...but still, we've got  3 months, that's plenty of time, right?