Thursday, November 17, 2011


So... I really don't know where the time's been going lately? What with one thing and another, the past few months have been pretty hectic. The most exciting part though, is that at the end of August, The Boy and I moved into our very own house. Yay!

The downside of this is that our lovely new home came complete with an array of hideous colour schemes, plus excessive dog fur / dog smell / dog damage and what seems like about 100 years of general dirt. So we'll probably not be short of things to do around the house for the foreseeable future. Sigh.

The lounge area was the first on the hit-list. And over 2 months on and still only two-thirds decorated, our motivation seems to be flagging a bit. Still, in the interests of keeping motivated, I'm going to rejoice in the fact that at least it doesn't still look like this...

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