Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Time Waits for No Man

I have a really nasty habit of giving myself too many jobs to do whilst simultaniously massively underestimating the time required to complete said jobs. Or rather, more accurately, the time I will spend procrastinating and faffing about before I actually get on and start each job. I just always have this idea that "there's plenty of time, no worries!" and usually, there's much less time than I think there is. This is how I come to find myself with a good friend getting married on Saturday, and me having commited to making them a quilt as a gift. Is the quilt started? Nope. Have I cut any pieces? Nope. Have I even checked that I have enough batting in stock?? Nope. I have done nothing. Well, that's not entirely true, I have been doing things, but other things, with less imminent deadlines. So, I now have 3 days to make a quilt which I first decided to make back before Christmas *big sigh*. Why do I do this to myself?!

Saturday, March 05, 2011

A Whole New World...

So. I've been thinking about it for like, forever, and never actually quite getting to the point of actually doing it - starting a blog, that is. I have to be honest and say that mostly I was (am) nervous about it because I have a habit of being all gung-ho about something and then just sort of getting distracted and letting it fizzle out. But like I said, I've been thinking of starting my own blog for I don't know how long, and so - in a moment of determination and possible madness - here I am, poking my head above the parapet and hoping it will all turn out ok. I have no real plan, so this will likely become a random collection of ramblings, musings and other bits and bobs from my life, but if you do happen to see me here, please stop and say hello because it is all just a tiny bit scary here all by myself!