Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Time Waits for No Man

I have a really nasty habit of giving myself too many jobs to do whilst simultaniously massively underestimating the time required to complete said jobs. Or rather, more accurately, the time I will spend procrastinating and faffing about before I actually get on and start each job. I just always have this idea that "there's plenty of time, no worries!" and usually, there's much less time than I think there is. This is how I come to find myself with a good friend getting married on Saturday, and me having commited to making them a quilt as a gift. Is the quilt started? Nope. Have I cut any pieces? Nope. Have I even checked that I have enough batting in stock?? Nope. I have done nothing. Well, that's not entirely true, I have been doing things, but other things, with less imminent deadlines. So, I now have 3 days to make a quilt which I first decided to make back before Christmas *big sigh*. Why do I do this to myself?!

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