Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Little Pick-Me-Up

I doubt that anyone would be surprised to hear that we've still barely got off the ground with the packing. I just keep sitting and looking around and thinking it all looks such a mess and I don't know where to start. So for a break, I decided to take advantage of the free listing day on ebay, and try and sell a few things so we don't have to be paying removals for items which we don't even want to keep, 'cos that would be stupid, right?

Whilst looking for photos of 'to be ebayed' items, I came across some snaps of beautiful things and happy days, which made me smile and reminded me why we're doing all of this. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Stuck In The Middle

It's weird isn't it, how you can be super excited that something you've waited the longest time for is finally happening, but yet at the same time your head can't really get a proper hold on the idea. Or is that just me?! 

In exactly one week from now we should be picking up the keys to our new house (touch wood and fingers crossed). I'm so excited, and bursting with ideas for how we'll decorate, as well as a million and one other projects which I'll be able to get started or back on track with once we have our own space and can really make it our own and feel settled. All this excitement and looking forward and thinking "this time next week", and how much packing have I done? One box. It's probably because there's still a part of me that can't let go of the thought that it's not definite until we've got the keys in our hands, but I just can't get my brain to cotton on to any sense of urgency. Not good. 

Hopefully tomorrow will be a more productive day. In the meantime though, if any Packing Fairies would like to pay a visit whilst I'm snoozing tonight, they'd be more than welcome!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The End Is Nigh

So yeah, I guess I didn't do very well with the blogging every day idea...that's not to say I've not been busy though .I feel like I've barely had a minute to myself. After having our offer accepted on the house we liked way back at the end of May I think it was, we finally exchanged contracts last Thursday. Yay! So that's all very exciting, although we're nervous about feeling to pleased until we have the keys in our hands...but fingers crossed and all being well, we'll be homeowners on August 26th. Just can't wait to get in there now and make it our own. The most pressing item on the 'to do' list right now though, is deciding whether to pay for removals, or to save a bit of money and just hire a van and move ourselves?! And then, of course, there's the packing...and packing....and packing...